Yes, I realize this is depressing but maybe when I have finished you won't find it so bad. I have been putting this off for some time now but according to my doctor now is the time to do it. I have ignored the doctors warnings until now (like when they told me last year would be my last Christmas) but my body is finally starting to agree with what they are telling me. By no means does this mean I will be signing off for good. I will still be here as a source of info for some and a pain in the rear for others...LOL No doubt the latter will be glad to see me go. This only means the time is drawing nearer for my journey to end so I wanted to leave some thoughts now because it may be too difficult to do as my health deteriorates further. Many of you know I contracted Hepatitis C years ago as a nurse at the VA Medical Center. The genotype I received is most common in Asians which is where my patient had been stationed for years. This was the only way the doctors would believe it wasn't connected to my IV drug use. I learned in time that it didn't make a bit of difference
How anyone contracted it only that they had it. Anyway, I advanced rather quickly to cirrhosis then to cancer. This song reminded me so much of how I felt after they told me I had a tumor on my liver. I did not want anyone to talk about my prognosis because ... well as the song says "Don't tell me that I'm Dyin cause I don't wanna know." LOL I knew that a transplant was the only real option available but I had just watched a friend die after receiving her liver and they had refused her pain meds because of her addictive history. I also knew the statistics were very clear that new livers become reinfected with Hep C within 5yrs. of transplant. When you are diagnosed with HCV it is a lose/lose situation if you advance to terminal conditions because you feel as though you have poison coursing through your veins. This poison will reinfect any new organ it comes into contact with and you have to start all over. I wanted the time I had left to be as
quality as possible so I chose what is known as the "non invasive" route. Well, I have done great. I have lived a year longer than anyone expected and have maintained a fairly high level of independence throughout. That is until a few weeks ago. I went to the oncologist and got a fairly routine check but I knew the results would be anything but routine. I had been experiencing signs that the cancer had spread. I don't want to discuss the personal details but lets just say I had what appeared to be advanced cancer in several areas of my body. For the first time I was truly scared. A few days later I got a phone call for me to come in and we would "talk". I told the nurse (who I had developed a fairly close relationship with) to tell me yes or no..."Has it spread?" Well, after much coaxing my suspicions were confirmed. My cancer has indeed infiltrated several major organs and they are shutting down. I was told to prepare for severe pain and to get a doctor nearby that can be called at anytime to come to the house when it gets bad. I found a sweetheart of a doctor who is so understanding. He offered to put me on additional Methadone until I had a pain management doctor but I refused. The time will come for the strong meds again and I will know it. Not before then. I am determined to fight it as long as possible. Of course I find this funny because I received a comment from Nancy Garvin today about how I thrive off of this drug and am addicted to methadone not just dependent. Then she told me to Stop a day or so and watch what happens. My favorite comment was this, " You have no intention of becoming drug free and running scared that methadone may no longer be labeled the wonder drug you and so many claim." I bet the doctor who told me how stubborn I was being by "holding on" would find her comments pretty funny. Regardless, I want to thank all of you who have supported me & encouraged me. Those who know me via the Hepatitis C, Cirrhosis, and Cancer support groups continue to write your legislators for funding so there may one day be a cure for this horrible disease.To those who have been saved by Methadone keep fighting for your right to treatment as well as for the elimination of diversion. We must find a balance through measures that will allow the right people to get treatment while keeping the wrong people from getting it on the streets. We also must educate others that Methadone is not dangerous when used correctly but used incorrectly it can be lethal. Someone once told me my legacy would be Finding Normal which is why I have worked so hard to build on it by adding a website, etc. but the time will come when I will either have to pass on my website to someone else or close it down. I am leaving my son in charge of contacting John, Bayla, and Zenith when I pass so I don't leave anyone wondering. These people know all of my contacts to spread the word. I know some have asked about services, etc. and Brenton will have that info also. I do not want flowers though. In liue of flowers please donate to The American Liver Foundation or NAMA. Believe me I know how gross this is HaHa... which is why I have put it off but like i said the sooner I have it out of the way the sooner I can stop worrying about it. So, I love you all, I have mad respect for you (you know who you are). Remember...
Dance like no one is watching,
love like you'll never be hurt,
work like you don't need the money,
live like it's heaven on earth.
I love you. You are one of the most beautiful people I have ever had the honor of knowing, and I am deeply grateKful to be your friend. I only wish it could have been under happier circumstances.
As you know, my own husband suffers from Hep c and developed cirrhosis from the hep c as well. Waiting and hoping for a liver transplant, watching him become sicker and having no real idea what the outcome will be for us, and watching as you have gotten sicker, truly shows me how precious our life is. It makes me value all the more the life methadone treatment enabled me to wrestle back from the brink--were it not for the availability of this medication I would be dead or in prison wishing I were dead. I am grateful and that has made me want to fight to keep it available for others who may need it, and to educate so that no one need die from it's misuse.
You are a brave, beautiful person, Kristina--a healer. Always.
Reading that post was both heart-breaking and inspiring. Your contribution to the destigmatization of MMT will live on after your departure.
My prayers are with you- now and always.
Your friend from the sisterhood of nurses,
Sharon Dembinski
Kristina, You are one fine lady.
Truly a Class Act.
You leave behind a tremendous legacy - of love- of caring-sharing
Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of Methadone patients you have truly touched with your heart and words the world over that will remaim forever.
To the wonderful legacy of advovacy you given us all.
Thank You Bless You
nanette wollfarth cma
Florida Chapter of NAMA
I heard through Kerry that you are nearing the end of your journey and I wish I had words of comfort but feel my words inadequate to the task. You are a woman of tremendous courage and compassion, and your videos will live on and continue to instill hope and dignity to methadone patients too long downtrodden.
We spoke some months ago and I came away from that conversation thinking what a remarkable woman you are. Know that you will be remembered fondly as a pioneer for justice. Know too that you will remain in my prayers.
God speed, Kristina.
With fond regards,
Joe Neuberger
NAMA Board
I heard through Kerry that you are nearing the end of your journey and I wish I had words of comfort but feel my words inadequate to the task. You are a woman of tremendous courage and compassion, and your videos will live on and continue to instill hope and dignity to methadone patients too long downtrodden.
We spoke some months ago and I came away from that conversation thinking what a remarkable woman you are. Know that you will be remembered fondly as a pioneer for justice. Know too that you will remain in my prayers.
God speed, Kristina.
With fond regards,
Joe Neuberger
NAMA Board
Dear Kristina,
Zenith let us know about your blog and your fight for life. It is truly awful when the body turns on itself. The things we come to deal with as we loose capabilities makes us more courageous in the long run. I really believe that. My name is Rokki and I am with NAMA. I want to thank you for thinking of us at this time,when you should be doing the things you haven't done yet. I know you will not let any group steer you off your path. No one can judge us until they walk in our shoes,not someone elses shoes,but ours!
You found the truth about Methadone and what a wonderful medication it is. Not only does it give us our lives back and then we are able to help those still suffering from the stigma that surrounds this medication. Once we become educated and start to pass it along to others it also gives us a purpose. At least for me thats how it was. I was no longer doing things I had no business doing,which I'm not gonna go into,as folks like tell stories out of class...:) I became the woman I am today,just as you have become the courageous woman you are today. No one can take that away from us,NO ONE!
Once I get a faster then dial up service I am going to be able to watch the much talked about videos you did at U-Tube. I hear they are Fantastic,to say the least.
Hold strong,continue being good to yourself as well as Gentle.
You are truly Amazing,Kristina and in my prayers.
Roxanne Baker C.M.A.
President NAMA
YOU are LOVED very, very much, always remember that. Even though we don't know you personally, thru your UTUBE videos YOU have made a HUGE difference in the methadone community. I THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart and I believe your legacy will continue to live on and that will never die! We won't allow it to!All the admiration for you will continue, long after we all are gone. God Bless You, Maureen P.S. Can't forget your contributions to WSM, and to your fellow MMT friends. Your an angel, you truly are an angel in my opinion.P.S.S. Take it easy and many prayers are with you, YOU are in mine nightly
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